I visited Rita in Fortuna Bar in Burggasse 101 few days ago. She is about 27-28 years old with black hair, darker skin and nice boobs. I tried to talk with her a bit, but she is not very communicative, so we started the sex almost immediately.
She has good ass and tight pussy, we started in doggy and then turned to riding. I gave her quite well, but she did not moan too much, and I’m not sure if she enjoyed the whole thing. But she was very friendly and smiled to me, so I enjoyed it for sure.
Her services were a bit weaker than I expected but her body is really nice and worth to visit. Price: 125 EUR for half hour
She has good ass and tight pussy, we started in doggy and then turned to riding. I gave her quite well, but she did not moan too much, and I’m not sure if she enjoyed the whole thing. But she was very friendly and smiled to me, so I enjoyed it for sure.

Her services were a bit weaker than I expected but her body is really nice and worth to visit. Price: 125 EUR for half hour
[i]"Fame is like caviar, you know — it's good to have caviar but not when you have it at every meal."[/i]